Firmographic Analysis

Firmographic Analysis

Firmographics such as NAICS Codes, age of business, size of building, number of employees, credit viability, growth trajectory are all core identifiers that help us build a book of business to pursue, and a tactical plan to make it happen.

Firmographics such as NAICS Codes, age of business, size of building, number of employees, credit viability, growth trajectory are all core identifiers that help us build a book of business to pursue, and a tactical plan to make it happen.

Consumers have life stages; businesses have life cycles, and they are much shorter in comparison. While the average American lives 77.28 years, the average Business life cycle is around 10.5 years. Around 1 in 5 new businesses fail in year one, and most are sold or merged by year fifteen, so age of business is a critical factor in identifying prime growth cycles. Our analysis does just that, identifying financially sound companies with solid growth metrics indicating they exist in the sweet spot of the business life cycle. Our business CPA evaluates a host of firmographic data points to identify your best opportunity within your active portfolio and leads most likely to convert.

Firmographics such as NAICS Codes, age of business, size of building, number of employees, credit viability, growth trajectory are all core identifiers that help us build a book of business to pursue, and a tactical plan to make it happen. Business CPAs are delivered with a layer of geography, or region, as they are an integral connection between sales territories and marketing planning.

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Consumers have life stages; businesses have life cycles, and they are much shorter in comparison. While the average American lives 77.28 years, the average Business life cycle is around 10.5 years. Around 1 in 5 new businesses fail in year one, and most are sold or merged by year fifteen, so age of business is a critical factor in identifying prime growth cycles. Our analysis does just that, identifying financially sound companies with solid growth metrics indicating they exist in the sweet spot of the business life cycle. Our business CPA evaluates a host of firmographic data points to identify your best opportunity within your active portfolio and leads most likely to convert.

Firmographics such as NAICS Codes, age of business, size of building, number of employees, credit viability, growth trajectory are all core identifiers that help us build a book of business to pursue, and a tactical plan to make it happen. Business CPAs are delivered with a layer of geography, or region, as they are an integral connection between sales territories and marketing planning.

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