Every generation has its own version of what “power to the people” means and how it will help humanity. Revolutionaries seeking social equality, racial reconciliation, and political freedom from oppression have all grabbed hold of the promise of power.
While we plan to skip the riots, we do want to help revolutionize your marketing efforts. People-based marketing has ignited a power that we have all wanted for years.
What exactly is people-based marketing? It’s marketing to people—not to cookies, mailboxes, or segments— through every channel including the web. You read that right. We can now market to individuals that fit our models by finding their digital fingerprint online and confirming their identity with a process called online identity resolution.
So what power do people-based marketers have?
The power to merge the web’s dominance of consumer engagement with offline predictive data modeling and tracking by consumption that focuses on people, not cookies.
To hold ourselves accountable to the brands we serve, we carve out control groups and all the other fancy reporting needed to show the true incremental effect your marketing based on actual transactions with your brand at the ticket counter—not clicks or likes or shares—so you can watch your bottom line grow bigger, dollar by dollar.
So come on, y’all, and grab some power—but it’s only available to the people-based marketers.